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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Scrappin' Saturday - Crochet Flowers & Sketch 3

For today's Scrappin' Saturday I decided to do some crochet flowers.
Now there are tons of videos online and one of my favorite is the pansy from Art of Teresa
I have adapted this pansy and used just the first part inner flower to make a single flower and stitched a button in it.

 Pansy flower

Link to Teresa's video

Instructions I wrote down from that video
1.     (1st  color – yellow or rose) Chain 7 - slip stitch - join (forms center ring)

2.     Chain 2 and  4 double crochet through the loop (center ring and also the left over thread) . chain 2 (to rise up ) and then slip chain through the loop.

3.     Repeat -ie chain 2 - single crochet through the loop -  4 double crochet - chain 2 and then join - totally make 5 petals - cut thread. (All the while if you keep working over the beginning length of thread it will be easy to cut off later)

4.     Join color in 1st double crochet (2nd color purple/violet if 1st color is yellow or deep maroon red if 1st color is rose) - chain 2 - do a double crochet in same stitch - 2 double crochet in each stitch across - 8 in each petal - you can spike in between in 4th through center - chain 3 and single crochet in single crochet between and then chain 2 and repeat

Button Flower
Now this is easy.
Do the same as in steps 1 - 3 ie just one color (do not need step 4) but instead of chain 2 to rise do chain 3 to rise and instead of double crochet do triple crochet. That way the flowers are a bit bigger and the small buttons then can look nice and not too bog for the flower. Leave about 5 - 6 inches of thread in the end before cutting and bring that thread over to other side with needle and stitch the button in and then take the thread back. In the flower I don't cut of the ends till the last as I just knot the threads together twice and then cut off close.
And here's   Sketch #3

Be sure to visit TheBugBytes for the blog hop and giveaway there.

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1 comment :

Michelle said...

Those flowers are great Pam. Love the sketches too, they may be just the inspiration I need to get started on some scrapbooking pages.

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